business lists meaning in Chinese
- Visit our local business center to create your business listing . add hours , photos , coupons and more
访问我们的本地企业中心创造你的企业清单。增加小时,相片,赠券和更多。 - With 20 companies listed , there are more indian businesses listed on the london stock exchange than on new york and nasdaq that have just 11 combined
目前在伦敦股票交易所( lse )上市的印度公司共有20家,其数量超过在纽约和纳斯达克上市的印度公司的总和( 11家) 。 - Then the developer could simply connect the control that already saves the postal code to the weather , news , and business listing controls that take a postal code as an input
然后,开发人员只需将保存邮政编码的控件连接到将邮政编码作为输入项的天气、新闻和公司列表控件。 - A provider control by default can establish connections with multiple consumers at the same time like the previous example of a postal code control that provides a postal code to a weather information control , a news headline control , and a business listing control
默认情况下,提供者控件可以同时与多个使用者建立连接(如前一个示例中的邮政编码控件,它同时向天气信息控件、新闻标题控件和公司列表控件提供邮政编码) 。